News / KoM Meeting in Malmoe, Sweden on 17-19 January 2024

KoM Meeting in Malmoe, Sweden on 17-19 January 2024

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The Kick-Off meeting for the DETECTIVE project convened Malmoe, Sweden, from 17-19 January 2024, with full participation from all consortium partners. This gathering marked the first face-to-face interaction among the partners, aiming to align objectives, delineate project tasks and establish working procedures for efficient collaboration. The event was organised as a hybrid event with some participants online.

Project partners successfully initiated the comprehensive planning necessary for the successful execution of the project, particularly during its inaugural year through detailed discussions on the different work packages and the concrete listing of action points to be realised in 2024 beyond concrete project outputs.
The first annual meeting is planned in September 2024 and will take place in Warsaw, Poland.