

The consortium of DETECTIVE is led by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). It includes 20 partners from eight EU Member States, Switzerland, and China, including also the Joint Research Centre from the European Commission.

By placing the mouse on the organisations’ logos below, you will see a short description of each organisation and a link to their website.


AGES executes federal state tasks in the areas of agriculture, plant health, food and feed safety control.


Arcadia International© is a multidisciplinary consultancy dedicated to the food and feed value chain. Arcadia consists in a network of consultancies and technical research institutions.


BVL is a superior federal authority under the jurisdiction of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) for the purpose of risk management in the food safety sector.


This public institution maintains and develops scientific knowledge, skills and excellence for the sustainable development of the agriculture and the whole agro-food sector.


EFFAB is the association that represents the animal breeding and reproduction organisations and companies in Europe.


Euroseeds is the voice of the European seed sector and represents the interests of those active in research, breeding, production and marketing of seeds of agricultural, horticultural and ornamental plant species


HFFA Research is an independent scientific consultancy on key issues in global agriculture, environment and development.


IHAR is a prominent Polish scientific organization dedicated to shaping opinions and conducting both fundamental and translational research in agricultural sciences


ILVO is an independent scientific research institute of Flanders’ Government. ILVO’s task is to generate knowledge for more sustainability in the agriculture, fisheries and agri-food sector


ILS at the Polish Academy of Sciences has a rich history and continues to be a leading scientific center in the field of legal studies


The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) provides independent, evidence-based science and knowledge, supporting EU policies to positively impact society. The JRC works every day to make European policies grounded in science


The Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority (LGL) is Bavaria’s scientific competent authority for food safety, health, veterinary medicine, occupational safety and product safety.


NIB is a public research institute, the mission is to create new fundamental knowledge in the field of biology and related natural and environmental sciences.


Progenus is a highly innovative company in the field of DNA analysis for food, plants and animals.


Professor Yang’s lab at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, is focusing on the research and development new techniques or equipment for the safety assessment and detection of NBT products.


SLU Department of Plant Breeding, research on plant genetics is conducted on crops to investigate existing genetic variation .


The University of Bayreuth Interdisciplinary research and teaching a is to address the most pressing questions of our time internationalization, digitalization, diversity, and sustainability.


The University of Neuchâtel has an expertise in bioinformatics and genomics applications including the development of innovative detection methods for NGTs.

Xpro consulting

XPRO Consulting Limited is a Cypriot SME founded in 2003 specializing in Business Strategy and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)